State of the Toddler

It’s been a while, so I thought I’d do another snapshot of what Ruby is like these days.

  • Just this week, she picked up the habit of starting sentences with “Um,” which is strange because I don’t think Steve or I do that very much.
  • She loves singing, and often gets a song stuck in her head. When this happens, she walks around singing/shouting one or two lines of the song for hours. Recent earworms: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Jimmy Crack Corn, The Farmer in the Dell, Row Row Row Your Boat. I should note she’s picked all of these up from people other than us.
  • She’s excellent at hopping, and does it a lot. She can hop normally, off heights up to about 18 inches, and spin 180 degrees while hopping.
  • She still uses her soother at bedtime, and I don’t see that changing anytime soon.
  • She takes one nap a day, from about 2-4pm. These days, she actually sleeps almost every day (instead of just having quiet time).
  • She can count to about 12 or 13, and is starting to grasp the idea of how counting actually works (one number for each item you’re trying to count).
  • She can recite the alphabet, but with several mistakes. However, she can correctly identify each letter individually.
  • Ruby’s favorite thing to play with is water. At a wading pool or water table, I can count on her to be occupied for a long time.
  • She also enjoys digging in sand.
  • She continues to have a very exuberant personality, with an excess of energy that leads her to shout, jump, and wiggle a lot. She’s rarely quiet for long.
  • Her memory continues to surprise us, and she often recalls something minor from weeks in the past.
  • She’s going through a phase where she’s open to many foods, which is nice. Things she is particularly fond of are: peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, cheese, pickles, nori, edamame, corn on the cob, and most fruit.
  • She still has (what our doctor says is) minor eczema on her cheeks and thighs that gets worse in the cold. The doctor says she will probably grow out of it.

Trying out potty training

We’ve been feeling a bit of pressure from various people about starting potty training, but I am adamant about waiting until Ruby is ready and motivated, instead of forcing it on her. I’m making this post private for now so we can go at our own pace. (NOTE: entry unlocked in Dec. 2008) Continue reading →

Dancing queen

At the wedding we attended a couple of weeks ago, Ruby surprised everyone by dancing up a storm. Steve twittered: “Blown away by the sight of Ruby taking to the dance floor like it was her natural home. She hopped for three hours. I am even smittener.”

Review round-up

Here are some items that we enjoy that I’d like to recommend (click photos for more info):

Edith & Mr. Bear by Dare Wright:  I had an Edith book growing up, and still remember the lovely photos vividly. When I noticed this book at the library, I grabbed it for nostalgic reasons. However, the story affects Ruby like no other book we’ve read. In short, Edith breaks a valuable clock and lies about it. It bothers her so much she runs away, before coming back home to confess (at which point all is forgiven and she feels much better). Every time we read this book, Ruby cringes at the clock-breaking scene, and always points out that Edith is happy again once she comes clean. I think the moral is actually sinking in!

Our Tree Named Steve by Alan Zweibel: If, like me, you respect The Giving Tree but have read it a few too many times, look for this book. It covers the same basic theme, the relationship you can have with a tree as you grow up. It’s warm and real, and the end makes me choke up a little every time I read it to Ruby.

Radio Flyer All-Terrain Wagon:  The day Steve went to buy a wagon, the only available one was this model. He hesitated at the cost but got it anyway, and we haven’t regretted it once. This thing will last forever, and the air-filled tires not only give a softer ride, they make the wagon much quieter. We left off the included wooden sidewalls so the wagon would fit in our car. It’s already replaced our stroller in most circumstances. Best use: the zoo, where kids are always hopping in and out.

Veggie Patch Spinach Nuggets: Imagine a tater-tot-type nugget, but instead of greasy potato bits, it’s entirely filled with spinach! The battered exterior (and ketchup on the side) is enough to make Ruby think spinach nuggets are a special treat. This brilliant, freezable snack is available at our Safeway, so we don’t even have to go out of our way to get it.

Fisher-Price Healthy Care Booster Seat:  We have never owned a highchair; this compact booster seat has been all we needed. We just strapped it to a chair in the dining room and put an office chair pad underneath to catch the crumbs. During Ruby’s messiest, table-licking phase, we even brought it to restaurants, where it was a much better alternative to the standard restaurant highchair (which has no tray). It’s height-adjustable, dishwasher safe, and relatively easy to carry around. Ruby’s still using it with the tray, and I expect she’ll use it as a booster seat even longer.

cups.jpgThe First Years Take & Toss cups: The spill-proof cups are the best sippy cups we found. They’re sturdy, easy to hold, and give the right amount of flow. Later, Ruby graduated to the straw-top cups, which are surprisingly leakproof. They’re BPA-free, inexpensive, and Ruby enjoys choosing her cup and top colors. The suggestion that these cups are “disposable” makes me shudder. They actually last a long time (we’re still using our first set).

Recent Twitters about Ruby

Steve and I both Twitter, and although we’ve decided not to set up a separate Twitter account for Ruby, we tweet about her a lot. Tweets are generally considered disposable, but some are worth remembering. I went through our recent tweets about Ruby, and pulled out some I’d like to highlight and save here. Click through to read them if you’re not already following us on Twitter.

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