State of the Toddler

It’s been a while, so I thought I’d do another snapshot of what Ruby is like these days.

  • Just this week, she picked up the habit of starting sentences with “Um,” which is strange because I don’t think Steve or I do that very much.
  • She loves singing, and often gets a song stuck in her head. When this happens, she walks around singing/shouting one or two lines of the song for hours. Recent earworms: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Jimmy Crack Corn, The Farmer in the Dell, Row Row Row Your Boat. I should note she’s picked all of these up from people other than us.
  • She’s excellent at hopping, and does it a lot. She can hop normally, off heights up to about 18 inches, and spin 180 degrees while hopping.
  • She still uses her soother at bedtime, and I don’t see that changing anytime soon.
  • She takes one nap a day, from about 2-4pm. These days, she actually sleeps almost every day (instead of just having quiet time).
  • She can count to about 12 or 13, and is starting to grasp the idea of how counting actually works (one number for each item you’re trying to count).
  • She can recite the alphabet, but with several mistakes. However, she can correctly identify each letter individually.
  • Ruby’s favorite thing to play with is water. At a wading pool or water table, I can count on her to be occupied for a long time.
  • She also enjoys digging in sand.
  • She continues to have a very exuberant personality, with an excess of energy that leads her to shout, jump, and wiggle a lot. She’s rarely quiet for long.
  • Her memory continues to surprise us, and she often recalls something minor from weeks in the past.
  • She’s going through a phase where she’s open to many foods, which is nice. Things she is particularly fond of are: peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, cheese, pickles, nori, edamame, corn on the cob, and most fruit.
  • She still has (what our doctor says is) minor eczema on her cheeks and thighs that gets worse in the cold. The doctor says she will probably grow out of it.