Trying out potty training

We’ve been feeling a bit of pressure from various people about starting potty training, but I am adamant about waiting until Ruby is ready and motivated, instead of forcing it on her. I’m making this post private for now so we can go at our own pace. (NOTE: entry unlocked in Dec. 2008)

We took some baby steps today. Ruby’s Aunt Ni sent her some cute undies and Ruby wanted to run around in them. After a few laps of the main floor, I told her it was time to put her diaper back on. When she insisted she wanted more time in the undies, I saw it for the cue it was and let her.

She played in the playroom downstairs for only a few minutes before announcing she needed the potty. I helped her with the undies, and lo and behold, she peed! Soon after, she gave another try, with no results.

Later, I heard her say “I’m peeing!” from across the playroom. I sighed, imagining a cleanup, but she ran over to the potty and didn’t actually start peeing until she was in place. Amazing!

Toward the end of the morning, she announced “I peed in my underwear.” I looked around for the wet spot on the floor and couldn’t find one, so looked at the undies. They were only a little wet, so I asked her if she needed the potty, she said yes, and peed once she sat down on it.

Then, we left the house so I put on a diaper. However, things are looking up as far as Ruby’s motivation to potty train, and I think we’ll start having more undie time at home next week (after she comes back from a visit to Canada and a camping trip).

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  1. […] can read two newly unlocked entries about the early days here and […]