
Ruby is really starting to understand the art of conversation. She will even explicitly ask, “have a conversation?” sometimes. Her favorite topics are: her big girl bed, things we did recently, and things we’ll be doing soon. She also has a very caring (and optimistic) way of inquiring about how Steve and I are doing, asking about our moods and injuries. Some recent questions:

  • “How was your day?”
  • “How your working?” [How was work?]
  • “Your back is all better?”
  • “You are feeling happy?”
  • “Your arm doesn’t hurt?”
  • “Your watermelon juicy? You like it so much?”

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  1. megan says:

    so freaking cute! we have conversations with Maggie, it’s just no one knows what we’re talking about since they are all in gibberish. well, maybe she knows what it’s all about.