
For 3 days we were in Gili Air, which is in Indonesia. The best thing I did was taking scuba diving lessons. I had to train in the pool first, so I could learn emergency techniques, like clearing my mask, what to if someone runs out of air, and what to do if you lose your regulator. But the best part was after lunch, when we went on a dive to Hans Reef. We saw four turtles, and other cool marine life.



The lady with the orange stripes is our instructor, Liz.

Here are our diving videos: video 1, video 2.

NOTE FROM KATE:  If you’re following along in our online photo album, please note that we started a new one when we got to Indonesia because the page was getting too long. There’s a link to the new album in the blog sidebar, or you can click this link to go right there.

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  1. sandra leroux says:

    WOW!! Many things are on my bucket list but have to say diving is not one of them. Proud of your adventurous spirt. Love you Nana

  2. Zach says:

    Ooooo! I’ve never been scuba diving. That looks so fun. 🙂