Quality toy: Grocery cart from Costco

I spotted a kid’s grocery cart recently at Costco and snapped it up. It is unusually well-made, with all the main parts made out of metal rather than plastic. It has a collapsible seat, just like a real shopping cart, and high-quality wheels with ball bearings. And, to make it even cooler, it came with 30 miniature food items, including cans, boxes, and bottles with realistic-looking labels (without any real-life brand names, which I appreciate). It was a steal at $28.

Ruby spent the evening playing with her new pretend grocery store, taking items off the shelf, putting them in the cart, taking them out, putting them in the shopping bag, etc. All of her stuffed animals got a turn to ride in the seat of the cart.

If you want to try to find this cart at Costco (and I highly recommend it), look in the seasonal section by the Christmas toys.

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  1. Steve says:

    I just want to add that not only is the quality of the construction really high, but the quality of the graphic design on the labels is amazing. Somebody did a great job with each product so that it evokes a familiar brand. There was clearly a lot of research and effort put into what you’d normally think of as a throw-away part of the toy design.

  2. Jen says:

    Hi there…I have been looking for this cart. Know how I can find it???

  3. kate says:

    Hi Jen, I’m not sure I can help you. As you probably know, Costco doesn’t stock items forever (often just once). Maybe someone would be selling one on eBay? Good luck!

  4. Megan says:

    I was just wondering who made this grocery cart! I want one for my daughter! It is very cute! I am having a hard time finding one this cute!